Nov 11, 2013
posted by: Jolie

Hula Hoop Happy Workout!

Did you know that working out can make you feel happy? It’s true! Exercise has many positive benefits and one of them is that it’s a mood booster!

Although the mood boosting side effect can take a little while to kick in, I recently discovered a way to immediately start my workout with a smile – and that is by using a Hula Hoop!

You’re probably thinking, isn’t that a kid thing? You’re right… it will make you feel like a kid again! The other bonuses: it’s also an incredible way to tone up, increase your fitness level, and improve your coordination! Specific muscles that can be toned by hula hooping include: glutes, thighs, hips, legs, knees and abdomen. Give it a whirl!

Hula Hoop Happy Workout!

Challenge yourself, but also know your limit! If at any time you feel dizzy, just take a rest. If you need more of a challenge, you can purchase a weighted hula hoop!

Feel free to invite the kids to join, and after the workout have a Hula Hoop Contest for some extra fun/extra calories burned!

I like to go outside for this workout (weather permitting), but another benefit is that you can do it in the comfort of your own home.

All you need is some space and a Hula Hoop!

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