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Decorating the Christmas tree is one of my all time favorite things ever. I love to unwrap each ornament and reminisce “I got this when” or “so-and-so...

Every night since Rufert, our Elf on the Shelf, made his appearance, my daughter gives me a daily “Naughty or Nice” report. Somehow she always works...

This year I want to get fully “wrapped up” in all of the holiday splendor before it passes me by. I want to watch movies, decorate, bake, make DIY...

Make the holidays bright for a little girl in your life with a $100 shopping spree on! How? Get holiday happy and enter our Pin...

Time and time again parents tell us what fabulous rewards charms make! It’s true; they are like little motivating forces! Just...

Getting back in the back-to-school swing of things can be tough for both mom and kids. It’s an adjustment for everyone! Here’s...

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