Aug 21, 2013
posted by: Jackie

Welcome to the IT Spot!

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From the looks of CHARM IT!, you can imagine that our office is a pretty fun place to be. IT absolutely is! Our creative collective includes designers and a sales & marketing team of mavens, who also happen to be moms, aunts, and those in-the-know. You know people who just know cool stuff about lots of stuff? Well, we’re kind of those people (especially when you put us all together)!

Thank you for coming! We’re so glad you’re here for so many different reasons… a.) because we love our fans and b.) because we have so much to share with you! The list can go on and on, but we’ll be short and sweet. You’ve come to the right place. We can’t wait to charm you on a whole ‘nother level! Let the IT experience begin.

CHARM IT! About Us Welcome Images

Comments on IT

  1. Colleen @ Royal Icing Diaries February 18, 2014 at 11:04 pm - Reply

    I just love your site and I’m so glad you stopped by mine or I wouldn’t have found it! You are all very clever!

    • Jackie February 21, 2014 at 7:02 pm - Reply

      Thank you, Colleen! Right back at you!

  2. Alicia May 10, 2015 at 10:04 pm - Reply

    I am currently writing a Vacation Bible School curriculum on the story of Elijah. I was doing some research on art activities and came across your windsock activity I would like to include this in my Art Station Guide for the curriculum. I took a screen shot some of the windsock and included a link to your blog. This curriculum will only be used at our church.

    Thank you for considering,


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